Endodontic treatment by your dentist in Brentwood, CA, can lead to preservation of natural tooth

Endodontic treatment is a procedure offered commonly in general dentistry that allows a severely damaged tooth to be repaired and saved rather than have to be extracted. Most people are more familiar with the common term for the procedure, “root canal.” Many people envision a root canal procedure negatively, but the truth is that root canal therapy restores health and comfort to a patient. Dr. Jamil Alkhoury and the capable staff of Brentwood Family Dental provide compassionate and skillful dentistry, including root canal therapy, to patients in and around Brentwood, CA.

Root canals serve to repair the inside of a tooth, where the blood vessels and nerves are, and is the area that is the source of many painful toothaches. Root canals are effective because a tooth can be preserved even after the pulp has been removed. After a root canal procedure, tissues around the tooth provide the nourishment and support that allows a patient to keep a repaired, yet functioning, tooth.

The pulp may become infected or inflamed. There are various causes for this, including severe decay, a tooth that has received multiple dental treatments, deterioration of a crown, a crack in the tooth, or damage from trauma. Endodontic treatment removes the infected portions to prevent or eliminate the pain, seals the pulp chamber, and places a sturdy crown for aesthetics and function.

While the thought of going inside the tooth and removing the pulp sounds complicated, it is a fairly routine process. The entire procedure is not very lengthy at all, and patients who actually experience a root canal discover it is rather similar to having a tooth filled. Patients are treated with anesthetics prior to the procedure to ensure a pain-free treatment. Severe anxiety regarding the procedure may be discussed with your dentist, who may offer sedation methods to relax a nervous patient.

If you’re concerned about the condition of a tooth or are experiencing pain, we encourage you to contact our office for an appointment right away. Prompt treatment of dental conditions may avoid painful deterioration for the patient and result in less cost as well. For a dental practice that understands your concerns, and delivers care that respects your time and your comfort, Brentwood Family Dental is the right choice.
Last Updated - February 2016

Dr. Jamil Alkhoury

Dr. Jamil Alkhoury
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Dr Jamil Alkhoury believes dentists to be artists. Taking care of another person’s teeth is definitely an art in which Dr Jamil Alkhoury is an expert. Having graduated from University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) with a degree in Advanced Education in General Dentistry, he has always focused on the well-being of his patients. Brentwood family dental headed by Dr Jamil Alkhoury offers a wide range of services. He always keeps in touch with the developments in the field, to serve his purpose to the best of his abilities.
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