The Success of Dental Implants in Brentwood, CA

Dental Implants

You don’t have to live with missing teeth. You can get a tooth that has fallen out or had to be pulled back, or at least you can get a new tooth that functions and looks like the one you lost. The tooth may actually look better if you were suffering from noticeable signs of decay such as created discoloration or poor shape.


Bridges and dentures used to be the only options to fill in missing spaces. Today’s patients with tooth loss can benefit from advances in the materials used to make new teeth, as well as advances in how those new teeth are made.


In the past, options to replace missing teeth only took into account the part of the tooth that could be seen above the gum line, the crown. Dental implants, however, restore the various parts of a tooth that make the whole, resulting in a lab-made tooth that looks and functions just like your natural tooth.


Teeth to last a lifetime


Large fillings may need to be replaced with dental crowns. Dental crowns and bridges may get worn and need replacement. Dentures may need to be relined for comfort. Dental implants, however, have a very high success rate of 97 percent. By treating your new tooth just as you would your natural ones with proper brushing and flossing, your dental implant-supported teeth can last a lifetime!


It’s no coincidence these replacement teeth last, because they are built on a strong foundation. The dental implant itself is the artificial tooth root. The crown is your artificial tooth. The implant and the crown are connected by a small post or “abutment.”


Many providers might stretch the dental implant process over several months, breaking it down into multiple time-consuming and costly steps. Dr. Jamil Alkhoury, however, has the expertise and onsite technology to safely and properly place these parts of your tooth in one step, what he calls “tooth in a day.”


You also benefit from Dr. Alkhoury’s unique approach to implant-supported teeth. Before he was designing teeth, Dr. Alkhoury was channeling his natural artistic talents into painting. You can see some of his works on this website. The result of this marriage of artistry and science are teeth that function beautifully and also look naturally beautiful. Call Brentwood Family Dental to find out if you dental implants are the best way to replace your missing tooth or teeth. 925-344-5296.